Sunday, 22 November 2009

Saturday 21st November: Back home's been a lovely week but there's a lot to catch up on...

Friday 20th November: around Braunston

Into Braunston for supplies, mooching and another pub lunch. There's a couple of examples of this graffiti (graffito??) dotted around the footpaths and towpaths at Braunston, which I rather like...
Then back on through lovely low sun and a glass-calm return to the marina, thank heavens.

Thursday 19th November: Buckby again

Okay, this is beyond a joke: I can't even move some of these gates on my own. Carried on through Braunston Tunnel and moored by the Admiral Nelson for the night.

Wednesday 18th November: around Stoke Bruerne

...where the old trackway over the hill above the tunnel has been decorated with some exceptionally good wire sculptures. Did our exploration on foot then set off back north...

Tuesday 17th November: Weedon to Stoke Bruerne

The moorings above the church at Weedon Bec are always nice but spectacularly so in the Autumn sun this morning.

Monday 16th November: Buckby Locks

Buckby Locks are absolute bu&&ers, every one of them. Especially this one, where someone has carved a nice little kingfisher on the balance beam to take your mind off your tearing muscles and aching joints.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Gorgeous Autumn Sunshine this is more like it. Amazingly beautiful day, and lots and lots of fruitless attempts to capture how lovely the scenery looks in the low winter sunshine. Plus Sunday lunch in the (thankfully now re-opened) Admiral Nelson. What's not to like?
Here: The ridge and furrow scenery as pictured by a rubbish photograher...

Saturday 14th November: Huge Waves

Okay, so they aren't six-foot breakers. But they are the result of 35mph winds, and even here in the marina the water is distinctly choppy. nbCaracol has all of the aerodynamic elegance of a Gloucester Old Spot so we've decided to call off our plans to cruise today. We drove over to Hatton to look at the lock maintenance work instead.